The International Labor Organization (ILO) is soon to vote on a resolution to the committee’s current topic of discussion: expansion of sustainable methods in international companies. As it stands, Finland is not in alliance with any of the proposed plans, however, word has spread of interest in Draft 1.3, propped up by France, Canada, Switzerland,
Throughout the world the problem of refugees coming into countries is prominent. This problem is seen very often in the US. The US has had a few ideas to keep the refugees from Mexico out, one is building a wall, but this idea is not very ideal. Instead, the US has decided to go and
As a landlocked nation, Nepal cannot fully understand how difficult it is to maintain the integrity of coastal cities, as the closest thing they have is river cities such as Pakalihawa. Unlike river cities, coastal cities contain access to large bodies of water, causing flooding and storm surges, damaging the city greatly by the loss
Different initiatives have been brought forward in history in attempts to attack the prevalent issue. Japan, in the past, has provided and engaged in the Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) plan. Founded through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), WASH fundamentally serves as an extensive review and aid program to nations worldwide that lack access
The shift from Fossil Fuels to renewable energy sources has been a tentative topic for multiple years. Because the threat of global warming worsens every year, the promotion of sustainable energy practices were discussed and debated at this year’s General Assembly 2. Renewable energy sources such as hydroelectricity, solar power, geothermal energy, etc… were considered
At the back of the UNICEF conference, two factions are debating the best way to pursue global access to higher education in STEM fields. Unlike other committees, the leaders of the two draft resolutions, P.A.T.H.W.A.Y and C.A.R.E.S, are in agreement. They understand that establishing access to STEM education for displaced children is paramount, not only
Food insecurity and food shortage affect societies across the globe. These food shortages specifically hurt rural communities that do not have access to standard methods of obtaining food, which is second nature to us, such as grocery stores and farmers’ markets. It is essential to help secure food for these communities to decrease food deprivation,
Some countries have it, but the majority don’t. Those of just the facts. Access to clean water throughout time has been a rising issue. The United Nations UNESCO met again on the 18 of October 2022 to discuss these problems in nations that are greatly affected by this. ¼ of the world’s population has no access to
The second day of the United Nations conference has begun with delegates diving straight into the rising demand for international guidelines and economic legislation regarding refugees. The UNHCR toils on how to economically support the influx of refugees. The Russian delegation strongly supported reinstating the SEARS plan while the Chinese delegate focused on involving more
Why does the integrity of coastal cities matter to a country like ours? Trade partners. We are a country that needs allies, and if supporting a bill that can help our allies is a possible option we should take it. One of our biggest trade partners, Somalia could be a major example of possible flooding