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Latvian News Agency – UNESCO – Mass Education for Clean Water Infrastructure

Some countries have it, but the majority don’t. Those of just the facts. Access to clean water throughout time has been a rising issue. The United Nations UNESCO met again on the 18 of October 2022 to discuss these problems in nations that are greatly affected by this. ¼ of the world’s population has no access to clean water. During my time spent witnessing this meeting, I heard many delegates come up with many ways to fix this predicament. Some of these were quite intelligent for example; the Education of clean water to less developed nations. This was one of the great ideas that were backed up with the thought of sending well-educated scientists in that field to the country to stay there for a period of time to help the country change its ways. But then again there were a handful of delegates that thought they had all the solutions but were so incredibly glib. Almost every solution to any problem discussed in these meetings is the soldering of a poorer country with the help of wealthy countries. When speaking to the Latvian delegate in the room, she stated that “Latvia is one of the richest states in the world in terms of freshwater resources, given the size of the country’s population. But, Despite tap water quality in Latvia being probably the best in Europe, it is quite undrinkable mainly due to decaying chemicals coming off of old pipes that were poorly installed.”  A delegate from the UK stated that help from other countries would be great, but we have to make sure our countries don’t become fully dependent on each other.” With all of our many ideas, we do need to still keep in mind that even if we put all these into effect, the world’s natural water resource will never truly be clean.