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KYODO News – GA 6 – Bioterrorism: Who Has a Say?

Tensions within the United Nations LEGAL committee remained high, as the discussion of biochemical warfare and bioterrorism left nations assessing the implications of mitigation within displaced communities. Japanese allies Indonesia, and Macedonia worked together to pass an initiative 

to mitigate the creation, storage, and usage of biological weapons in countries through a legal framework, including the plan for refugees, biological weapon consequences, and protection policies. 

The Russian Federation, Israel, and the People’s Republic of China all attempted to advocate for the protection and safeguarding of displaced individuals, despite their controversial past. Acquisitions arose with suspicions that they were involved in bioterrorism and therefore had no place to be involved in constructing policies that they themselves could not attain. Nations found themselves torn between those willing to put this in the past and those who have found themselves, victims of bioterrorism, by such countries. 

The sickening act that defines bioterrorism, the intentional release of pathogens or other germs with the intent to disease or harm people, has plagued nations for centuries. The use of biological warfare has dated back to 1347 by the Mongols launching plague-riddled bodies into enemy territory in an attempt to eradicate opposing forces. In 1993, bioterrorists struck Kameido, Tokyo with an aerosol containing B. anthracis, in an effort to anguish mass groups of people. Thankfully, the people of Japan were left unscathed, due to low spore concentrations, ineffective dispersal, a clogged spray device, and inactivation of the spores by sunlight. However, Japan recognizes displaced communities due to the cause at hand deserves recognition, and through discussion and planning from Japanese allies, a relevant and feasible plan was conducted through countries that are victims and not mitigators.