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Keystone (SDA) – UNESCO – Water Solutions  

Many countries are struggling to find clean drinking water today. A few of those countries have the water but don’t have funding to clean the water. These problems have called for elaborate plans. Brazil, Qatar, and Poland have all teamed up on “The SEAL Plan”. This plan is meant to provide third-world countries with education and clean drinking water. The problems with funding are partially present in this plan. Croatia’s problem with pipelines is being resolved by Russia. Russia is helping by replacing outdated pipes in Croatia. These pipes were a top priority because they were the one way to extract the mass quantity of groundwater. Another noticeable thing is that most of the funding is coming from Russia, the UK, or Brazil. We as Switzerland have been a banking country for generations so it’s surprising that not many people are requesting money from us. As Switzerland, our view on the water crisis is all countries deserve clean drinking water so we need to do our very best to help them get that water. As a banking country, we have funding so we would be more than happy to help out with the crisis.