Conference Email:

Telam | Security Council | Ebola Outbreak in Canada

October 15th, 2019 | An outbreak of Ebola recently occurred on a commercial flight from China to Canada. When Delta flight 915 landed, a man returning from China fell ill and was diagnosed with Ebola. Upon further investigation, 499 more cases of Ebola in Canada were diagnosed from passengers returning from China. The Security Council met to discuss the containment of the virus as well as the possibilities of biological warfare. 

A delegate from China began today’s committee stating they do not wish for anyone to be accused of spreading Ebola before further evidence was found, and China does not wish for biological warfare. The delegate from the United States ensured China that no accusations were taking place, and measures needed to be taken to track the airplane and airport where the patient traveled. 

Belgium agreed, responding that they do not want the investigation to start until the CDC and WHO have been notified. The delegate from Belgium, backed by Kuwait, Russia, and Germany, believed the investigation should not start until the virus had been contained. 

A debate then sparked about the possibility of biological warfare, with the delegate from Indonesia and the delegate from the Dominican Republic  stating they believe there is someone to blame for the sudden outbreak of Ebola from China. However, Poland disagreed, believing the virus outbreak was not an outcome of bad intentions. China was unsure, but declared they were willing to allocate resources to identify the perpetrators of the biological terrorism if there was evidence of biological terrorism. France agreed and urged the caucus to investigate the infected passenger for affiliation with a terrorist organization. 

The Press was then asked to leave for security reasons and was unable to report on the outcome of the caucus.        

*** This is a part of a Model United Nations simulation. The events are not representative of real events of the beliefs of cited countries***