Conference Email:

NBC | GA3 | Expanding access of education for women

October 14th, 2019 | In General Assembly 3 countries discussed the movement for implementing women into educational systems as well as assessing how women can join the workforce. While discussing this topic various countries brought up different ways of incorporating women into more modernized standards while not necessarily disregarding traditional values in developing nations. 

Mexico advocated for women joining the workforce by building up the infrastructure of developing nations.  Mexico and the Philippines both stated that building new schools for women to attend would be vital in decreasing the gender inequality gap in many developing nations. Germany also called for bettering the infrastructure by implementing non-governmental organizations to aid women in securing jobs, an idea also backed by the United Arab Emirates.

Some countries decided to tackle the issue of implementing women into primary education by discussing how to assess the culture of women in traditionally-thinking countries. Morocco, Chad, and the Republic of Korea all agreed on trying to shape the values of developing nations rather than work towards infrastructure. Korea stated that many of the developing nations in need of women joining educational systems and the workforce have patriarchal structures. Chad agreed, stating that there needs to be an implementation of localized organizations to help create new cultural norms around the women in developing countries. 

Unlike what Germany and the United Arab Emirates said, Chad believes that non-governmental organizations would not be helpful in expanding access of education for women. Most NGOs come from developed nations who do not speak the language or in many cases languages of the developing countries they wish to help. Additionally, Chad states that “local communities won’t feel inspired by someone from a developed country”. Chad believes that in order to inspire women to join the workforce and pursue education they must see local members of their community advocating for that rather than a stranger from across the globe who doesn’t understand the circumstances of the country.

Countries like Russia, Lebanon, and Ethiopia all agreed that securing a safe pathway for women to attend school and hold jobs will make them want to join the workforce. Women are often targets of sexual harassment/assault and human trafficking. By securing safe transportation for women these countries believe that young girls and women will be quicker to join the workforce rather than staying at home.