Press Corps
Acting as an alternative to the traditional GTMUN committees, the Press Corps mimics the involvement that the media plays in global citizenship and awareness. Participants will use their writing and photography skills to report on the goings on of the conference and provide their own unique perspective modeled after international media groups. Delegates involved in the first ever GTMUN Press Corps Program will work together to create a one-of-a-kind mock press release site, reporting the decisions being made in committee and the general conference experience as a whole.
Press Corps delegates will arrive to the conference not as the country of their high schools choosing, but as global reporters without defined nationhood. Upon arrival at the conference, delegates will be sorted into representations of real life global media outlets of their choosing. These media outlets are:
- Cable News Network
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- The Guardian
- Aljazeera
- Han Xi
If delegates have suggestions of alternative media outlets, and enough delegates within the program feel sufficiently comfortable with that outlet, then they are welcome to suggest additions.
Delegates may choose to be a part of a news outlet relevant to the perspective of their high school’s country, but this is not required.
Press Corps delegates will define what are the most important themes and topics expressed by their media of focus and submit a list of conference objectives to the Director.
Press Corps delegates will be dispatched to various moderated and unmoderated discussions happening throughout the conference on an ad hoc basis as topics arise.
Media outlets will work as teams to not only provide coverage throughout the conference, but curate content into news pieces to be posted online and in a paper to be printed and released on the second day of the conference.
Press Corps delegates are expected to uphold exceptional decorum and sustained efforts while representing the GTMUN Press. As Press Corps delegates will be given “roaming privileges” to move throughout the conference to cover their topics, any abuse of media privileges will not be tolerated and considered when evaluating for awards.
Press Corps delegates are expected to follow the conference guidelines of Western business casual wear, though because of the movement involved in this program, it is advised that delegates find ways to stay comfortable in their clothing and shoes choices for this conference.
Press Corps delegates have special permission to bring technology to the conference (laptops, smart phones, cameras, etc.), and are indeed encouraged to do so in order to complete the variety of tasks expected of them during the conference. If a delegate does not have access to these resources, please contact the director prior to the conference.
Delegates should do their best to be up to date on major global events and be relatively familiar with all of the media outlets listed above.
Delegates are also expected to arrive with the self-motivation to upkeep the quick pace of work expected within media.
Press Corps awards will reflect exceptional delegates that differentiate themselves through team contributions, outstanding media compositions, and a positive attitude. Delegates and teams within the Press Corps program that showcase themselves in this way are eligible for these awards:
- Best Reporter (&Honorable Mention): These two awards will be given to delegates with special demonstrated skills in their writing, their ability to synthesize logical arguments, and their ability to take on the perspectives of their respective media outlets.
- Best Media (&Honorable Mention): These two awards will be given to delegates that have demonstrated special skills in media unrelated writing, such as exceptional efforts in photography, videography, graphic design, etc.
- Best News Group: This award will go to the news media outlet that best represents their media’s global perspective and goes above and beyond as a group to provide exceptional content.