Delegate Information
GTMUN is a highly competitive event that requires dedication and hard work. Students must be able to intelligently debate on a wide range of topics and collaborate with others to find solutions to problems affecting millions of people worldwide. We hope GTMUN offers a stimulating environment so that each delegate will be challenged in such a way that develops their MUN skills. If this is your first time to participate in a conference, you will have the opportunity to observe and learn from experienced delegates. In addition, our entire staff is knowledgeable in all MUN rules and will be able to guide you through your first time at GTMUN.
Topic and Country Preparation
Students should be prepared to discuss two topics in depth. Our staff provides background guides to outline the areas of each topic that should be debated during committee sessions. Before you conduct any other research, you should have a clear understanding of the contents of your committee’s background guide. It is, however, designed to be a guide and not an extensive research paper on the given topics. To accurately represent your assigned delegation, you must conduct your own research into the topics and the position of your country.
Position Papers
Delegates are required to write a position paper as part of the conference. The purpose of the position papers is to enable the delegates to engage in good substantive debate at the conference and to ensure that each delegate is fully familiar with their nation. Each background guide provided by the GTMUN staff has a section (“Committee Directive”) that specifies where the Director would like debate to focus. Substantively, the position paper should address the pertinent background information to the topic, the country’s stance on the issue, and specific proposals to resolve the problem. Please keep in mind that position papers contribute to awards scoring.
Position papers are judged on the following criteria:
- Understanding and addressing the directive in the background guide
- Policy development
- Reference to international treaties, international organizations, and real-world stakeholders
- Incorporating relevant sources with proper citations
- Language, grammar, and spelling
Sample position papers and position paper help may be found below.
- Position papers may be only one page per topic with one page of citations per topic.
- The maximum font size is 12 point font. The minimum font size is 10 point font.
- Position papers must have 1 in margins on all sides.
- Heading must include country name, committee name, and topic name.