Position Paper Guidelines

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Position Papers are Due October 1st!

Position Papers are required for GTMUN XXIV delegates wishing to compete for an award, and are otherwise strongly encouraged in order for others to grow as delegates. Crisis Delegates and Ad Hoc delegates should NOT write position papers (explanations below)

General Assemblies

The positions of GA delegates are first established in position papers. This gives the Directors an idea of what to expect from each delegate while they are in committee. Common points to include in papers include previous country policies and possible solutions. Position paper grades will count towards delegate scores.

Ad Hoc

Ad Hoc delegates receive their topic when committee starts during the conference. Therefore, there is no position to be written other than the general stances of the delegate’s country. If delegates wish to write a position paper for feedback, they may submit their paper to gatechmun@gmail.com. Position paper grades will not count towards delegate scores.


Crisis delegates will discuss their character arcs with the back room Crisis Staff during the first committee session, and thus do not need a prewritten position paper. If delegates wish to write a position paper for feedback, they may submit their paper to gatechmun@gmail.com. Position paper grades will not count towards delegate scores.


  1. Papers should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced
  2. Delegates should write 1-2 pages per topic, for a total of 2-4 pages for the two topics.
  3. Cite your sources in MLA format including a works cited, which does not count towards the total page count
  4. Include a heading at the start of each topic including the following information: Country, Committee, and Topic. Do not include your name or school name anywhere on the paper

Please see the following rubric for more information.