Secretary-General: Viki Rodriguez
(She / Her), Masters 1st year
I am so pleased to be working with a talented Secretariat this year:
Policy Team
USG of Policy: Henry Bui
(he/him), 3rd year
AUSG of Policy: Charlotte Hunter
(she/her), 3rd year
Admin Team

USG of Admin: AJ Bohanon
(he/him), 4th year
Hello! I’m AJ, a 4th year Industrial Engineering major from Atlanta, and I am the USG Admin for GTMUN XXVI. After chairing the GA Plen committee in GTMUN XXIV, and being DG for GTMUN XXV, I’m super excited to be your USG of Administration this year, and look forward to an awesome conference bringing in delegates from across the United States. Outside of MUN, I love to travel to new places, and immerse myself in the history and local cuisine, play video games, and watch sports (Go Pack Go!).
AUSG of Admin: Isa Simon
(she/her), 3rd year
AUSG of Admin: Dorian Ramijhattan
(he/him), 3rd year
Director General

Director General: Kaeli Lawrence
(she/her), 3rd year
Hi everyone! I’m Kaeli, a 3rd year Public Policy major with a Law, Science, and Technology minor. At GTMUN XXIV, I was the Assistant Director for GA Plen and had so much fun, so I am super excited to be helping out with the General Assemblies this year! Besides MUN, I am an Ivan Allen College student ambassador, on the executive board for event planning on campus, and a part of the student government at Tech. I also love to watch new movies and find places to hike, kayak, and take pictures.
Assistant Director General: Merritt Hornbuckle
(she/her), 2nd year
Finance Team

USG of Finance: Chitvan Singh
(he/him), 2nd year
AUSG of Finance: Aanchal Jaiswal
(she/her), 2nd year
Press Corps Team
USG of Press Corps: Parv Mahajan
(he/him), 2nd year
Hi! My name is Morgan Kang and I am a third year History, Technology, and Society major! Outside of MUN, I am a part of the Ivan Allen Student Ambassadors and History and Sociology Club where I have the opportunity to contribute to expanding the liberal arts community at Tech! I also love super-long road trips (and the endless yelling-like singing that comes with it), listening to podcasts, and making fried potato balls! Most importantly, I am ecstatic to be your USG Press Corps for GTMUN 2024 and I cannot wait to see what yall will bring to the conference!
Crisis Team
USG of Crisis: Ajay Taduri
(he/him), 3rd year
AUSG of Crisis: Amaar Alidina
(he/him), 2nd year
AUSG of Crisis: Andy Yu
(he/him), 4th year
AUSG of Crisis: Divjot Kaur
(she/her), 2nd year
Logistics Team
USG of Crisis: Berlian Fu
AUSG of Logistics: Alex Thomas
AUSG of Logistics: Isaac Song
We’re all working hard to make this conference as rewarding and fun an experience for you as delegates and faculty as possible. I hope that you will join us in preparation and excitement for an amazing GTMUN HS 2025!